Running Dreams

In my dreams, I can run,
something I’ve always wanted to do
in real life, but never had the wind
or the the stamina for
(really, I’ve tried, and it’s not pretty).

But in my dreams I often find myself
jogging through the scenery
in a cadence that eats up distance
as effortlessly as the running of an avatar
but with a feeling of strength and
fluidity you can’t get watching
pixels dance along.

I dreamed that I ran up wide stairs
two at a time, no less.
Feeling my muscles compress and expand,
never thinking of my tired knees
or burning lungs, or feeling my whole frame
shake with each jolting impact.

I used to take stairs two at a time,
if not running, perhaps still with something
akin to a bound.

And I remember thinking once, watching
the rest of the world trudge up stairs,
will I ever come to that?

That’s one question answered, anyway.

Now I wonder how much further
I can run on until I run out of dreams.


  • Image: lifted from former Army Special Forces officer and author John Fenzel’s ([amazon_link id=”0982237901″ target=”_blank” ]The Lazarus Covenant[/amazon_link]) website, which I otherwise wouldn’t have found, but turns out to be very thoughtful.

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