I didn’t go photo crazy at World Fantasy, but I did grab a few shots here and there.
- Crystal City Hyatt, conviently located two miles from our house.
- Esther (middle) volunteered to help on registration
- The Animals in Fantasy Panel was quite thoughtful
- Goldeen did a great job moderating, though it was her first time.
- I’m looking forward to reading Dorothy Hearst’s Promise of the Wolves.
- Jeff pushed back when I aked why authors were pushing a Rousseuian narrative. He might be right, and that might be a 20th Cent thing.
- Dapper me and the glam gal.
- Dealer’s room Danger! Danger!
- Donaldson reading from his first post Covenant work. Sounds quite good.
- Art show reception
- Book launch for Sally Grotta’s Winter Boyt
- Daniel Grotta cuts the cake
- Sally digs in
- Paparazzi
- Back home we sorted out our free book bags. We had to figure out what to keep…and which library…hers, mine, or ours…