Gone and Back Again

I gather it’s been a while since I posted to the blog since I just looked at the date and found the last entry was July 9th. Since it’s now October 31st…Halloween…I guess it’s perfectly natural that I should rise from the dead to haunt my blog.

Except that I never died, you know. Continue reading


Yesterday my association’s website went down. Well, mostly down. The static parts were still up, but all the dynamic database driven parts were dead on the web. I spent the day checking over the configuration files, resetting server parameters, and scheduled a database restore by the server host. I even can celled my trip to Readercon and planned to spend the weekend deploying the site I’ve been developing rather than go crazy trying to fix a site we planned to replace in a month or so.

This morning, it’s working fine. The host didn’t get to the database replacement, and though I did run some diagnostics and cleared some caches late last night, neither had any noticeable effect.

Don’t you hate it when things fix themselves?

Doesn’t it give you a warm feeling knowing that it could happen again at any time?


The Importance of Being Earnest: First Act, Part 2 (by Oscar Wilde)

In which we discover that Ernest is the ideal name. Though of course, we knew that already…

Jack. Charming day it has been, Miss Fairfax.

Gwendolen. Pray don’t talk to me about the weather, Mr. Worthing. Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else. And that makes me so nervous. Continue reading