Soup #7 Lobster Bob and the Tails Go Bisque-O

Lobster Bob and The Tails were a rockabilly band out of Portland, Maine that broke up in the 60s but got together for another shot at stardom with a Bisque-O album in the 70s. It didn't pan out, and they returned to their lives, wives, and lobster pots.

In keeping with my notion of food holidays, Valentines Day comes hard on the heels of Super Bowl Sunday, which may be because it takes about a week for guys to realize they’ve been neglecting their gals during the entire football season. Of course, if that’s the way it’s been, a fancy dinner probably won’t put you back in her good graces, but it’s a start. Especially if you make a fancy lobster bisque like this.

First off, I did some research to see what I could steal. Here are some of the more promising links I found. Continue reading

Print me a Stradivarius

The new issue of the economist is here featuring a section on 3D print manufacturing. They claim the violin on the cover was printed and plays beautifully, though I suspect it was just the body. For me, the problem with this technology is the texture. Like all digital processes the earlybstages have low resulotion, leaving the output grainy and unpleasant feeling. Ultimately that will be a non-issue, but it needs to be overcome.

Print me a Stradivarius
THE industrial revolution of the late 18th century made possible the mass production of goods, thereby creating economies of scale which changed the economy—and society—in ways that nobody could have imagined at the time. Now a new manufacturing technology has emerged which does the opposite.

Barb Wilmer’s Awesome White Chili w Cumin and Clove

Clove Plant Image from fine art prints

Clove (Source DiscountPosterSale.Com - click on image for their page)

Barb’s one of my “soup testers” and decided to resouprocate after receiving her sample of my Super Bowl 45 Chili.

Hers is a totally different animal, but a wonderful dish, and easy to prepare. I never would have thought to use cumin, cloves, and oregano together, but the result is a definite winner.

Thanks Barb!

White Chili

Barb says: Over the past 18 years I have only once actually found and used a Poblano chili in this recipe. My common substitutions: more green chilis; OR about a quarter of a fresh jalapeno chili, chopped fine; OR more hot sauce; OR use part of an Anaheim pepper; OR ignore the ingredient altogether. 😉 Continue reading

iPad 2 V The Contenders: Sadly, Still The Year Of The Hare

[amazon_link id=”0823405648″ target=”_blank” ][/amazon_link]

Apple's early tablet lead may be slowly shrinking, but this racewatcher doubts that either Android or PC tablets will either sneak past the iPad, or spur it to greatness. Book cover: The Tortoise and the Hare, by Janet Stevens

Apple’s head start is nearly a year old, and you’d think that the tortoises, both Android and Windows driven, would be catching up with the hare by this time, but it just isn’t happening. Make no mistake, though my iPad’s been a nearly constant companion since launch day when I picked it up at the Apple Store, I’m not an Apple fan. I don’t like the closed ecosystem that Jobs has created, and consider it a hip version of AOL’s gated community from the 80s. No gated community can really be hip, but I get the utility of it. Job’s is a utopianist, and for those who fit the mold, it’s a great thing to be part of. Continue reading