Soup and Kojo – Two of my favorite things together!
Kojo Nnamdi: Soups for All Seasons
Wednesday, Feb 23, 2011 at 1:06 p.m.
UPDATE: I got on the show as the first caller. Hey, for me it was a big deal. I asked if the pros had any suggestions for alternatives to making stock from scratch, since I’m making a gallon of soup every week…and they knocked the idea that any base could compete with fresh stock. Haunt the butcher for bones, they said. I also asked about shipping soup, which threw Kojo for a minute, but besides sending it FedEx, they didn’t have much to say…well, so much for my two minutes of soup fame… Continue reading
Smart Power: Climate Change, the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric Utilities

Author Peter Fox-Penner’s Smart Power provides much needed context for discussion on meeting the nation and the world’s energy needs. While its target audience is undoubtedly professionals grappling with energy resources and regulations, this look beyond the mechanics of energy production and distribution to the bigger picture of the energy eco-system, how it came to be, where it’s headed and where it needs to wind up, offers insights that anyone interested in life on or off the grid needs to understand. Continue reading
Soup #8 Red Lentil Soup with Bacon and Parsley Sauce
This week’s soup was going to be Chicken Little Noodle Soup but my gal put in a request for lentil, which wasn’t a bad idea either. Of course, she wasn’t talking about plain old grayish green lentils. She wanted red lentils, which I’ve never cooked with and you can’t find at the nearest grocery store. Well, I can’t anyway.
Red lentil’s aren’t really red lentil’s by the way. They’re actually yellow lentil’s with their shell’s milled off to show the red inside. As a result, they’re a fast cooking legume, ready in minutes. Continue reading
Ern’s Reads February 2011
Reviewing is itself a guilt-ridden pastime. Not because you’ve the power to ruin a writer’s reputation…because well, you don’t. At most you’ve the power to connect a few readers with books they might like, but that’s about it. No the guilt is all about keeping up. First you suffer from reading pile guilt, then you get to enjoy un-reviewed-book guilt. Not that I’m complaining. Ok, a little. We’re in it for the access to new books and authors and having to provide some sort of value is totally reasonable. Not only that, but most of us really enjoy writing reviews…it’s just that being naturally lazy, it’s easier to open up/download the next book on the stack and be off in a distant corner of the galaxy/realm/backyard fighting aliens/zombies/corporations/demons because we’re the only one that can save the day. Sigh. Continue reading