Walking out in the evening
we saw a group of neighbors
not from our block
but not far off
standing much too close.
Now, I’m not a member of the grammar police
though I am a champion of Oxford commas
but would never mention their lack
because really, does it matter?
Unless you’re a Koala and don’t want
people to think you’re
fleeing from gunplay
and not paying for your meal.*
But I wanted to call out and explain
that standing apart
was how we keep everything
from going to pieces.
And all the way home
I wanted to know
if not saying anything
was prudence or cowardice.
Or just apathy.
What it told me was something different,
I’m afraid
I’m afraid
I’m afraid
I’m afraid
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eats,_Shoots_%26_Leaves