Apple's early tablet lead may be slowly shrinking, but this racewatcher doubts that either Android or PC tablets will either sneak past the iPad, or spur it to greatness. Book cover: The Tortoise and the Hare, by Janet Stevens
Apple’s head start is nearly a year old, and you’d think that the tortoises, both Android and Windows driven, would be catching up with the hare by this time, but it just isn’t happening. Make no mistake, though my iPad’s been a nearly constant companion since launch day when I picked it up at the Apple Store, I’m not an Apple fan. I don’t like the closed ecosystem that Jobs has created, and consider it a hip version of AOL’s gated community from the 80s. No gated community can really be hip, but I get the utility of it. Job’s is a utopianist, and for those who fit the mold, it’s a great thing to be part of. Continue reading