Again, The Robot Revolution: Robopocalypse by Daniel H. Wilson

[amazon_link id=”0385533853″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Robopocalypse: A Novel[/amazon_link]Scientists have a grand tradition of turning from writing academic papers to science fiction to transmit their manifestos from the ivory tower to the tech-savvy populace…and beyond. Daniel Wilson has been easing into sf with a string of books about the future, including Where’s My Jetpack?, a look at what happened to the future of sf’s golden age, and the very well-received How to Survive the Robot Uprising.

Wilson’s current book makes no attempt to hide its identity as the latter title, rebooted with 100% more characters, plot, and action. Well, maybe with 50% more of each. Despite Steven Spielberg’s excitement and affection for the book’s prospect as his next feature roboblockbuster, Robopocalypse is short on story, as well as being something of a disappointment as a work of hard sf.

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